Removing Employee Benefits Billing Friction to Improve Client Satisfaction

Benefits Billing That Boosts Client Satisfaction

Many brokers struggle with client friction caused by employee benefits billing in a broken, chaotic ecosystem. Issues out of your control can significantly impact your business and the quality of the services you offer — which in turn also puts stress on your staff, increases manual processes and reduces your profitability.

The Root of the Employee Benefits Billing Problem

A host of industry-wide issues, especially when combined, lead to major concerns about providing the level of service you’d like to offer. These include:
  • Disjointed technology: a mix of new and antiquated systems that don’t pass data or communicate well
  • Inaccurate benefits billing: caused by disjointed technology but also exacerbated by the manual processes and availability of quality data that come with the lack of integration between carrier, ben admin and enrollment systems
  • Eligibility issues: a result of disjointed technology, inaccurate data and manual processes that make it difficult to ensure the correct information is available and being used to verify and track eligibility

All of these problems can overburden your staff, drive a host of manual processes, cause communication difficulties, create delays, lead to mistakes and ultimately hurt and frustrate your clients.

Delivering Exceptional Client Experiences

As disheartening as employee benefits billing challenges can be, addressing the source of the problems and overcoming the impacts on your business is possible. Soluta can help.  

What differentiates our platform is that it integrates benefits administration, enrollment and carrier systems to automate and simplify complex billing and commission transactions. This allows us to provide timely and accurate consolidated billing, collections and commissions management.

What this means for your business is that Soluta helps you ease the burden on your service team, increase efficiencies, and deliver timely, accurate data and transactions so you can wow your clients. 

Taking the Next Steps

Soluta would love to speak with you, walk you through a demo and talk strategy about employee benefits billing for your business. Contact us to schedule a meeting.

Soluta is transforming how benefits billing gets done.

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