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SOLUTA + bswift®

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A Unique Combination of Features

Brokers face very real issues, including client concerns about inaccurate carrier billing, increased pressure on client service staff due to issues with carrier billing or EDI, and frustrations due to delays and inaccuracies in commission payments. The good news is that there is a solution available to you today.

With Soluta, you can overcome these challenges and provide a differentiated client experience, all while boosting your revenue and margins. The integration of Soluta with bswift ensures scalability and enhances the benefits experience for you and your clients.

Engage with Soluta to get a first-in-class billing engine that empowers you to better serve your customers and eliminate manual processes. Here are a few ways we’ll improve your business:

Win new business and improve profitability

  • Maximize revenues and producer compensation by eliminating premium leakage
  • Receive faster and more accurate commission payments
  • Increase your capacity for new bswift business by cutting the time needed to implement bswift due to offloading ancillary carrier EDI responsibility to Soluta
  • Reduce your operating expense by having Soluta handle ancillary carrier EDI processing
  • Confidently approach clients to add new lines of insurance business knowing the servicing impact will be small
  • Ease the burden of your client service team by reducing noise around billing issues

Improve client and carrier relationships

  • Get accurate and fully reconciled consolidated billing statements across all ancillary carriers
  • Offer consolidated billing services which are subsidized by the carrier
  • Improve your leverage with participating carriers by bringing them more efficient multi-tenant EDI solutions
  • Quickly answer client billing questions by having direct access to Soluta as the billing system of record
  • Improve client satisfaction and persistence by delivering cleaner insurance billing and faster response to billing-related questions
  • Track your client’s billing history and enrollment participation in Soluta’s broker portal

Let’s collaborate and create wins for you, your customers, your carrier partners, bswift, and Soluta!

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Contact us to find out how our unique combination of features enables scalability and an improved benefits experience.

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